The architectural project, which is considered together with the additional functional spaces required to be located in the SETT building and its facility, was designed within the framework of the rules and predictions specified in the request for proposal (RFP). The facility is located on the land specified in the project layout plan in INS Satavahana Visakhapatnam, India. A suitable layout plan for the facility and pool was created, considering the features such as land conditions, environmental details, and soil structure.
The spatial solutions of the 5m tank and other technical systems in the project are planned with the most appropriate and logical approaches to the "education" theme, which is the main concept of the building. It is aimed to create an architecture for the purpose and needs of trainers, trainees, and other users of the building and to provide full efficiency in the environment where the building is located. The spaces designed in the facility are made suitable for modern use.
As stated in RFP, in the facility, which is designed as G + 2, the functions of the SETT and the additional building are designed together, the spaces where escape trainings and theoretical trainings are held together with the storage, rest and technical units in the same building, and the space functions are designed in relation to each other.
Structurally designed as reinforced concrete, the building was designed as a high entrance with 70 cm subbasement on a pile foundation. On the north-east facade of the building, there is a ramp that descends from the top floor to the ground, and the diving basin is positioned on the north-east side of the building.
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