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SOS Systems On Ship Private Limited has been established in 201-7as a start-up company primarily to provide project consultancy, pr-oject management and project execution in the field of marine engi-neering and for the navies. The company is accredited with ISO-900-1:2015 and has an established quality management system. Having established and run three successful enterprises in the field of mari-ne electronics and navigation system, Hydrography and land surveys and maintenance dredging and marine asset management for last f-our decades, the promoters have immense knowledge and experien-ce to undertake medium to large scale projects on turn-key basis. T-he consultancy division provide identification of key technology, tech-nology partners, preparation of engineering drawing, preparation of-Techno-commercial documentations etc. to the lead players who do -not have requisite knowledge and resources. The project manageme-nt and project execution division undertakes complete project super-vision and execution as per the agreed contractual terms and thereb-y relieves the key investor from all such worries associated with nitty gritty of a large project. Additionally company also has its own R & D and production division to design and produce standard and tailor m-ade solution available off the shelves to its clientele. The production- division also undertake typical engineering solutions for its project --management division. Over the last 4 decades, the promoters has d-eveloped a supply chain system to provide quick, reliable and qualit y solutions to meet and conform to the technical need of any project.
Our service includes a comprehensive consult to help identify gaps & opportunities, and results in a comprehensive report that includes a project plan with timelines a cost analysis. Our individualized plans a-re made up of quality services that will help you get there quickly &- smoothly.
The escape system involves equalizing the pressure between the inside and outside of a specially equipped airlock (the escape tower) so that su-bmariners do not get compression sickness when they ascend. Each crew member wears a suit that has a venting life jacket and a hood to cont-ain the vented (and exhaled) air. The hood keeps their head in air so that they can continue to breathe “normally”. The escape system has been tested down to 180 meters, which general-ly equates to the depth of the edge of the continental shelf.
Shore power or shore supply is the provision of shoreside electrical p-ower to a ship at berth while its main and auxiliary engines are s-hutdown. ... Shore power saves consumption of fuel that wo-uld othe-rw-ise be used to power vessels while in port, and eliminat-es the air pollution associated with consumption of that fuel.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
201-215 , Krishna , Laxmi industrial premises, Pokharan Road Number 1, Behind Apna bhandar , Vartak Nagar, Thane West, 400606, Maharashtra
Open today | 09:30 am – 06:30 pm |